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Oct 18, 2024: Inner and Outer Democracy and the Threat of Authoritarianism

2024 Presidency Conference
The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
4:00 - 5:40 pm

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Sep 07, 2024: Recent Discoveries in Early Childhood Trauma & the Renewal of Jungian Psychology

All Day Seminar at the Bailey Island Library Hall in Harpswell, Maine
Cost: $150
Date: Saturday, September 7th, 2024 | 9 AM - 5:30 PM

Open to Practitioners and Students of Psychotherapeutic Disciplines
Limited Availability | Catered Lunch Provided

In 1936, C. G. Jung traveled to America and gave a ground-breaking series of lectures at the Bailey Island Library Hall on the subject of “Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process” which was based on the dreams of the nuclear physicist Wolfgang Pauli. In 1944 he reworked this material into Psychology and Alchemy, which became Volume 12 of the Collected Works.

Over the intervening 90 years, much has been discovered in the area of early developmental theory and the companion disciplines of attachment theory, affective neuro-science, early infant studies, and body-centered healing methods for early trauma. These new discoveries present us with a dissociative system of defensive powers (pictured in the Blake image above) that complicate the healing process by resisting the patient’s experience of vulnerable feelings. The role of these archetypal defenses in early-trauma work provides a challenge to conventional Jungian thought, and begs to be integrated into a renewed, and more relevant Analytical Psychology. Exploring these integrative links will be our goal in this intensive day-long seminar. Donald Kalsched will show how discoveries in these new disciplines carry implications for the way we do therapy, for the way we work with dreams, and, in general, for how we understand the symbolic process and its role in what Jung called “individuation.”

Requirements: Participants are required to be in (or retired from) some form of psychotherapeutic practice or to be active students preparing for licensure in one of the mental health disciplines. Please indicate this background when you fill out the contact sheet under ‘registration’ on the Web Site.

Details: Bailey Island is accessible on Route 24 south of Brunswick, Maine in the town of Harpswell and the Library is on the East side of Rt 24 shortly after crossing the bridge onto the island. Parking for the day is available at the Library although car-pooling is suggested. Coffee, pastries, and a light lunch will be provided. Registration and payment at the Website of the Maine Jung Center

Fee: $150 which includes lunch, is payable in advance. Full refunds before August 7th. A list of area accommodations will be emailed to those who sign up. Early registration is recommended.

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Jun 23, 2023 – Jun 24, 2023: Opening the Closed Heart: Meetings with the Human and Archetypal Child in the Psychotherapy of Early Trauma

Lecture and Workshop

Details and Registration at


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May 19, 2023 – May 21, 2023: Opening the Closed Heart: A New Look at Jungian Depth Psychology in Light of Trauma, Affect-theory and Defense

Lecture and Workshop

Details and Registration at

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May 05, 2023 – May 06, 2023: Opening the Closed Heart: Meetings with the Human and Archetypal Child in the Psychotherapy of Early Trauma

Lecture and Workshop for Maine Jung Center, Brunswick Maine

Zoom Event:  Details and Registration at Maine Jung Center

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Apr 14, 2023 – Apr 15, 2023: Trauma, Innocence and the Core Complex of the Dissociating Psyche

Lecture and Workshop for Oregon Friends of Jung

Zoom Event:  Details and Registration at

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Mar 24, 2023: Jungian Clinical Practice Through the Lens of Affect, Feelings, and Defense

Lecture for Brazil ‘Thiasos’ Workshop in Rio De Janeiro

Zoom Event:  Details and Registration at: Thiasos - JungianDirectory

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Mar 07, 2023: Opening the Closed Heart: Working with the Inner Child in Psychotherapy with Trauma Survivors

Lecture for New Orleans Jung Society

Zoom Event:  Details and Registration at:

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Nov 18, 2022 – Nov 20, 2022: Opening the Closed Heart: Meetings with the Human and Archetypal Child in the Psychotherapy of Early Trauma

Like all major theorists of the human psyche, C. G. Jung was at pains to understand the unique, irreplaceable nature of personhood--what it means to be a conscious, authentic, fully alive, creative and integrated person.  The developmental process of realizing oneself as a person was for Jung, equivalent to the unfolding of latent potentials--a vital spark of aliveness--something sacred and utterly unique in us that must be actualized in the joy and suffering of each individual life as we strive to "become the persons we were intended to be" which he called “individuation.”  The potential for this “unfolding,” Jung felt, lay deep in the foundations of the personality like a seed, and was universally represented in mythology as the archetype of the innocent or divine child in exile. 

Trauma in childhood accounts for such exile, and as we know, trauma is universal. Hence, exile and self-alienation are also universal.  By studying the lives of people who have survived early trauma, we discover that the ideal “unfolding” of the personality Jung envisioned is partially blocked and distorted by powerful-but-necessary archetypal defenses. These defenses divide up the inner world and banish unbearably painful feelings to the unconscious where they continue to live in “suspended animation” as “implicit memories” or as the orphaned “specters” of a traumatic childhood.  When psychotherapy begins, these wounded, ghost-like remnants of our childhood selves re-emerge—seeking acceptance and healing—but only against powerful resistances thrown up by the defensive system. 

The battle that thus emerges in trauma therapy between life- and anti-life forces as they find their way into the analytic partnership, is one that Jung seldom described, and is much stormier than the benign “unfolding” of human potential he called “individuation.”   To understand the human and archetypal children in the psyche, we must also understand the human and archetypal oppressors of these “children.”  This will require a re-visioning of Analytical Psychology in light of contemporary findings about aggression as well as libido in the developing personality—and a re-visioning of how defensive, dismembering forces as well as healing integrative ones—find their way into the analytic dialogue.  

C. G. Jung Center, Houston Texas

Details and Registration at:


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Sep 29, 2022 – Oct 02, 2022: Jung in the Heartland Conference: “Our Polarized Culture; Healing in the Individual and the Collective”

With Tom Singer, M.D.

In Person Event at Kings House Retreat and Renewal Center, Bellville, Illinois

Details and Registration at:

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Jul 22, 2022 – Jul 23, 2022: The Human and Archetypal Child in the Psychotherapy of Early Trauma

Zoom Event: sponsored by the New York Center for Jungian Studies

Details and Registration at:

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Sep 17, 2021 – Sep 18, 2021: Zoom Event - Jung Society of Washington

Lecture, Sept 17th 7:30-9:30 p.m. (EST) “Trauma and the Lost and Recovered Soul in Psychotherapy”

Workshop, Sept 18th 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. “Cultivating an Informed Heart: Affect-Centered Work with the Survivors of Early Childhood Trauma”

Details and Registration at:

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Sep 10, 2021 – Sep 11, 2021: Zoom Event - C. G. Jung Institute of New England

Friday, September 10, 2021, 7 - 9:00 pm (EST)
Zoom Event
Lecture: Trauma and the Lost and Recovered Soul in Psychotherapy

Saturday, September 11, 2021, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (EST)
Zoom Event
Workshop: Opening the Closed Heart: Affect Focused Clinical Work with the Victims of Early Trauma

Details at C. G. Jung Institute of New England

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Aug 27, 2021 – Aug 28, 2021: Zoom Event - Guild of Pastoral Psychology, London England

Friday, August 27, 12 noon - 2:30 pm (EST)
Zoom Event
Democracy and Autocracy in the Individual and the Collective:  Reflections on Psychological Factors at Play in our Polarized World

Satuday, August 28, 9 am - 1:30 pm (EST)
Zoom Event
Transformations of Imagination in the Healing of our Personal and Collective Trauma

Details & Registration at

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Jun 11, 2021 – Jun 12, 2021: Zoom Event - Maine Jung Center, Brunswick Maine

Friday, June 11, 7-9 pm (EST)
Zoom Event
A Depth-Psychological Approach to the Current Malaise in American Social, Cultural, and Political Life: Lecture & Discussion

Saturday, June 12, 9 am - 12 pm (EST)
Zoom Event

  • The Intersection of Collective vs Personal Trauma in the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Climate Change Denial and the Contributions of Depth Psychology
  • Authoritarianism and the Threat to our Democracy
  • Love and Grief as we Contemplate our Recent Election

Details and registration at:

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Sep 25, 2020 – Nov 06, 2020: A Depth-Psychological Approach to the Current Malaise in American Social, Culture and Political Life

Three Webinars sponsored by "The Retreat" at Pacifica Graduate Institute

The fiery trial through which we are passing as a nation has its roots in deep traumatic injuries to our personal and collective psyches as a people. These injuries are very difficult for us to confront and metabolize on a personal level and even more difficult to understand and heal collectively. They are simply overwhelming in their cumulative effect, and unbearlingly painful when considered individually and in detail. They lead to what Robert J. Lifton called our “national reality disorder” with its distrust of scientific facts, it’s refusal to acknowledge our underlying racism, denial of the rapidly accelerating Climate disster, and the “fake news” accusations of the Trump administration, aided and abetted by rampant conspiracy theories.

Depth Psychology has much to contribute to an enhanced understanding of the painful realities that we confront and our primitive defenses against them. Through this understanding we are also made aware of effective ways of healing the current splitting and polarization that are fragmenting our society. In this three-part series, Dr. Kalsched will focus on three aspects of our current polarization and fragmentation: Underlying Racism, Climate-change Denial, and Malignant Nationalism.

  1. Racism and American Democracy: September 25, 2020
    Racism is as old as the Declaration of Independence whose “self-evident truths” did not apply to the Black African slaves that made up much of the nation’s population—especially in the South. When the “inferior” shadow qualities of a person or a people is projected onto the “Other,” the personality is emotionally cleansed of its “badness” and the fantasy of innocence is preserved and consolidated as a “superior” identity in the now-deluded self. The same dynamic was apparent in Hitler’s Germany, but American history shows a particularly virulent strain of such “othering.” Depth Psychology holds the promise of unmasking this disease and pointing the way to its transformation.
  2. Climate-Change Denial and Psychic Numbing: October 16, 2020
    Psychic numbing is a well known psychological defense in the face of the unmanageable extremity of Climate catastrophe—what Tom Singer has called “extinction anxiety.” In the face of the gradual and incremental emergence of climate change it is hard for us to imagine the true horrors—the infinite reaches of death and pain-- that our negligence and inaction will cause future generations. A truly transformed ethical consciousness will be necessary if we are to save the earth and its species for future generations. Depth Psychology may offer crucial insights into the establishment of such a transformed consciousness.
  3. Malignant Nationalism and our ‘America First’ President: Nov. 6th, 2020
    German chancellor Angela Merkel recently said that “the nation-state alone does not have a future,” and then, reflecting on her nation’s responsibility for the murder of millions, said further “that is why I say that this country can only be loved with a broken heart.” What would it be like for us Americans to love our country “with a broken heart?” What is the ideal at the center of the American experiment that’s worth loving? And what are the failed ideals at the center of that same experiment that require us to let our hearts break. Depth Psychology, which embraces heartbreak as well as the ensouled meaning that comes from its full acknowledgment, has much to contribute to this discussion.

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Apr 03, 2020 – Apr 04, 2020: Violence in Fairy Tales: A Symbolic Key to Violence in our Culture and its Possible Transformation

In Santa Fe, NM

Details to be announced at Community Programs - C. G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe.

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Mar 21, 2020 – Mar 22, 2020: Lecture and Workshop

Dayton, Ohio

Details to be announced at C. G. Jung Association of the Miami Valley.

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Nov 15, 2019 – Nov 16, 2019: Panel Discussion: Reflections on the Radical Shifts in our Current Psycho-political World

With Jerome Bernstein and Jacqueline West at the C. G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe.

Details at Community Programs – C. G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe.

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Sep 05, 2019 – May 06, 2020: Trauma Studies Certificate Program

Trauma Studies Certificate Program, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara California.

Details at The Retreat, Pacifica Graduate Institute: Trauma Studies Certificate Program.

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Aug 25, 2019 – Aug 30, 2019: International Congress for Analytical Psychology, Vienna Austria

Plenary Talk: Opening the Closed Heart: Affect Focused Clinical Work with the Victims of Early Trauma
Wednesday, August 28: 10:30 a.m.

Details at IAAP XXI Congress Vienna 2019.

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May 24, 2019 – May 27, 2019: Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology Annual Conference

Mystical Dimensions of Trauma and Healing: At Pendle Hill, PA Plenary Talks

  • Restoring the Lost Soul to the Body
  • Film and Discussion: As It Is In Heaven
  • Entering the Crypt of Defenses in Dante’s Divine Comedy
  • Trauma, Synchronicity and Paranormal Experience

Details at Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology, 2019

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May 17, 2019 – May 19, 2019: C. G. Jung Society of St. Louis

C. G. Jung Society of St. Louis

Weekend Program: Glimpses Through the Veil: Mystical Dimensions of Analytic Work with the Survivors of Early Trauma.

Friday, May 17, 7-9 p.m. Restoring the Lost Soul to the Boy
Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m. to 1p.m Trauma, Synchronicity and Paranormal Experiences in Analysis
Sunday, May 19, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Working with Trauma and Clinical Depression in Therapy

Details at C.G. Jung Society of St. Louis.

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Jun 16, 2017 – Jun 18, 2017: Response at the Radical Edge: Depth Psychology for the 21st Century

The Retreat at Pacifica Graduate Institute

In response to current global and national crises, Pacifica Graduate Institute is proud to present this landmark conference featuring thought leaders and community partners standing together at the radical edge of depth psychology and social engagement. Changing times call for a changing conference – and a conference on change – that is community-based, liberation-centered, and engages directly with the numerous threats now at the threshold of our political horizons. Pre-conference workshops and keynote presentations on trauma, narcissism and rage, the role of “genius” and mythic thinking, as well as themes of embodiment, psyche and technology, archetypal activism, and war-induced trauma, weave their way throughout this powerful weekend of shared vision and renewed mission. Join us at Pacifica as we respond with depth psychologically-informed insight to both the plight of the present and the pull of the future.

Click here for more detail.

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Apr 20, 2017 – Apr 23, 2017: Dissociation: Trauma and the Self

Plenary Lecture sponsored by the Journal of Analytical Psychology, 14th International Conference

Roosevelt Hotel, New York City

Click here for details.

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Mar 16, 2017: Transformations of Innocence in the Psychotherapy of Early Trauma

Lecture at the Jung Club in London England

Contact Maggie Stanway at

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Nov 11, 2016 – Nov 13, 2016: Lecture and Workshop

Oregon Friends of C. G. Jung, Portland, OR

Friday (7:30-9:30 p.m.): Public Lecture.
Saturday (10:00 - 3:00 p.m.): Workshop
Sunday (9am- 3:00p.m.): Master-Class Clinical Supervision with lunch

Click here for details.

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Aug 19, 2016 – Aug 21, 2016: Trauma and the Soul: Navigating the Labyrinth of Affect and Defense

Pacifica Graduate Institute; Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Program

Friday (7pm-9pm): Public Lecture
Saturday (9am to 8pm): CP 799 Special Topics in Clinical Psychology: Residential Course; Early Trauma in the Clinical Situation: Intra-psychic and Inter-personal Dimensions
Sunday (9am-3pm): Supervisory Colloquium for Mental Health Practitioners

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Jun 10, 2016 – Jun 12, 2016: Healing Trauma: The Lost and Recovered Soul in Depth Psychotherapy

The Jung Center of Houston, Lecture/Workshop

Friday: Public Lecture, Images of the Lost Soul in the Psychotherapy of Early Trauma
Saturday Workshop: The Soul in Hell and its Liberation: Reflections on Clinical Depression in Light of Dante's Divine Comedy
Sunday Morning: Supervisory Colloquium for Clinicians

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May 14, 2016: Trauma and the Soul

All-day workshop sponsored by C. G. Jung Club of Orange County, California

Click here for details.

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Apr 29, 2016: Trauma and the Soul

Lecture/Workshop sponsored by the Maine Jung Society, Brunswick/Portland Maine.

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Apr 15, 2016: Dreams of Innocence and Experience; Clinical Vignettes in Ongoing Work with Relational Trauma

Lecture: New York City at the Center for the Study of Affect Regulation

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Mar 18, 2016: Finding the Untold Story--Exploring Developmental Trauma Through the Lens of Contemporary Film

Lecture/Workshop at C. G. Jung Institute Public Program, Santa Fe, NM

Click here for details.

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Mar 12, 2016: Trauma and the Soul: Navigating the Labyrinth of Affect and Defense

Featured Speaker at C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago's Founders Day Symposium

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Nov 13, 2015: Lecture/Workshop on Trauma and the Soul

Calgary, Canada
Sponsored by the Calgary Jung Society

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Nov 06, 2015: Lecture /Workshop on Trauma and the Soul

Seattle, Washington
Sponsored by the C. G. Jung Society of Seattle

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Jun 05, 2015 – Jun 07, 2015: Lecture/Workshop on Trauma and Contemporary Film in Santa Barbara, CA

Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara California
Lecture and Workshop: Exploring Developmental Trauma Through the Lens of Contemporary Film

Friday Lecture 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday Workshop; 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Sunday Supervisory Colloquium for Mental Health Practitioners, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Further information and registration

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May 19, 2015 – May 22, 2015: Lectures and Clinical Supervisions in Moscow, Russia

Moscow, Russia: Four day lecture/workshops on the Psychology of Trauma

For further information email: Vsevolod Kalinenko

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May 15, 2015 – May 17, 2015: Lecture/Workshop on Psychological Effects of Trauma, Prague CZ

Friday Lecture and Saturday Workshop on Trauma

Website: Psycho Pompos

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Mar 19, 2015 – Mar 21, 2015: Lectures/Workshops in Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles Jung Institute: Analyst Training Program Thursday Lecture 7:30-9:30 to analysts and candidates: Jung and Dissociation in Light of Recent Trauma Theory

Friday, Public Lecture (7:30-9:30): The Experience of Beauty in the Psychoanalytic Situation

Saturday Workshop (10:00--3:00) for analysts and candidates: Early Attachment Trauma and Dissociation: Reflections on a Case of Embodied Dream Work in Light of Grimm's Fairytale The Woman Without Hands

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Mar 13, 2015 – Mar 15, 2015: Plenary Lecture at JAP Conference in London, England

Arundel House, London, England. Plenary Lecture on "Restoring the Notion of Defense to Jungian Theory and Practice" sponsored by the Journal of Analytical Psychology 60th Anniversary Event, "Reflections on Jungian Clinical Practice: From Then till Now;" details at

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Mar 03, 2015 – Apr 28, 2015: 8 Week Seminar in Albuquerque, NM

8 Week Tuesday Evening Seminar: Navigating the Labyrinth of Affect

More information

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Feb 13, 2015 – Feb 16, 2015: Lecture/Workshop in St. Louis, MO

St. Louis, MO. Weekend on the Psychological Effects of Trauma: Friday Lecture; Saturday Workshop and Sunday Colloquium for Clinicians; sponsored by the
C. G. Jung Society of St. Louis.

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Nov 15, 2014 – Nov 16, 2014: Lecture and Supervision Master Class in Birmingham, England

Lecture and workshop on Trauma and the Soul

Sponsored by the Jungian Training Committeee WMIP Jungian Public Lecture Series

Garden Suite, Botanical Gardens
Westbourne Road
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3TR

Response by William Meredith-Owen
Sunday, a Supervision Master Class
Loudon Suite, Botanical Gardens


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Nov 13, 2014: Lecture at the Jung Club in London, England

Trauma and the Soul

Contact Maggie Stanway at


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Nov 05, 2014 – Nov 10, 2014: Seminars and Workshops on Trauma in Israel

Trauma and its Treatment

Contact the Israeli Jungian Society Website at

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Oct 28, 2014: Dream Work in the Clinical Situation

Third of 3 seminars sponsored by the Center for Integrative Dynamic Psychotherapy (CSIDP). The other seminars are October 14 and 21.

Tuesday evenings, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Flying Star Grande Hospitality Room
723 Silver Ave SW
Albuquerque, NM

Contact us at

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Oct 24, 2014 – Oct 26, 2014: Lecture and Workshops in Salt Lake City, Utah

Friday Lecture; Saturday and Sunday Workshops.

Sponsored by the Archetypology of Everyday Life
Salt Lake City, Utah

Contact Paula Swaner at

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Oct 21, 2014: Dream Work in the Clinical Situation

Second of 3 seminars sponsored by the Center for Integrative Dynamic Psychotherapy (CSIDP). The other seminars are October 14 and 28.

Tuesday evenings, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Flying Star Grande Hospitality Room
723 Silver Ave SW
Albuquerque, NM

Contact us at

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Oct 14, 2014: Dream Work in the Clinical Situation

First of 3 seminars sponsored by the Center for Integrative Dynamic Psychotherapy (CSIDP). The other seminars are October 21 and 28.

Tuesday evenings, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Flying Star Grande Hospitality Room
723 Silver Ave SW
Albuquerque, NM

Contact us at

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Mar 28, 2014 – Apr 03, 2014: Week-long Workshop, Ireland

"Jung in Ireland", County Kerry

Sponsored by The New York Center for Jungian Studies

Lecture: Making Stories: Autobiographical Memory and the Healing of Trauma

Workshops: Remembering our Dismembered Lives: Telling the Full Story and Memories and Mystery: Stories of when Two Worlds Come Together

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Mar 21, 2014 – Mar 22, 2014: Lecture and Workshop, Santa Fe, NM

The Lost and Recovered Soul, sponsored by the C. G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe NM, Public Programs

Friday Lecture: Images of the Lost Soul in the Psychotherapy of Early Trauma
7:00 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living
505 Camino de los Marquez
Santa Fe, NM

Saturday Workshop: The Soul in Hell and its Liberation
9:00 to 4:30 at the Center for Spiritual Living
505 Camino de los Marquez
Santa Fe, NM

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Feb 21, 2014 – Feb 22, 2014: Lecture and Workshop, Atlanta, GA

The Lost and Recovered Soul in the Psychotherapy of Early Trauma
Sponsored by the C. G. Jung Society of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia

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Jan 31, 2014 – Feb 01, 2014: Lecture and Workshop, Denver, CO

Friday Lecture: The Soul in Hell and its Liberation: Reflections on Clinical Depression in Light of Dante's Divine Comedy, sponsored by the C. G. Jung Society of Colorado

Saturday Workshop: Lost Innocence/Lost Soul: The Impact of Early Trauma and its Healing Through Psychotherapy, sponsored by the C. G. Jung Institute of Colorado